Set timeout for xmlrpclib.ServerProxy

ashchristopher picture ashchristopher · Dec 16, 2008 · Viewed 19.8k times · Source

I am using xmlrpclib.ServerProxy to make RPC calls to a remote server. If there is not a network connection to the server it takes the default 10 seconds to return a socket.gaierror to my program.

This is annoying when doing development without a network connection, or if the remote server is down. Is there a way to update the timeout on my ServerProxy object?

I can't see a clear way to get access to the socket to update it.


azarias picture azarias · Nov 19, 2009

An more straightforward solution is at:

import xmlrpclib 
import socket

x = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http:')  
socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)        #set the timeout to 10 seconds 
x.func_name(args)                   #times out after 10 seconds
socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)      #sets the default back