Change URL to another URL using mitmproxy

MortenMoulder picture MortenMoulder · May 9, 2016 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

I am trying to redirect one page to another by using mitmproxy and Python. I can run my inline script together with mitmproxy without issues, but I am stuck when it comes to changing the URL to another URL. Like if I went to it would redirect to

def response(context, flow):
        if flow.request.url.startswith(""):
            print("It does contain it")
            flow.request.url = "http://stackoverflow/"

This should in theory work. I see in the GUI of mitmproxy (as GET) but the print("It does contain it") never gets fired.

When I try to just put flow.request.url = "" right under the print("DEBUG") it won't work neither.

What am I doing wrong? I have also tried if "" in flow.request.url to check if the URL contains but that won't work either.



loretoparisi picture loretoparisi · Jul 26, 2016

The following mitmproxy script will

  1. Redirect requesto from to
  2. Change the request method path (supposed to be something like /getjson? to a new one `/getxml
  3. Change the destination host scheme
  4. Change the destination server port
  5. Overwrite the request header Host to pretend to be the origi

    import mitmproxy
    from mitmproxy.models import HTTPResponse
    from netlib.http import Headers
    def request(flow):
        if flow.request.pretty_host.endswith(""):
                mitmproxy.ctx.log( flow.request.path )
                method = flow.request.path.split('/')[3].split('?')[0]
       = ""
                flow.request.port = 8181
                flow.request.scheme = 'http'
                if method == 'getjson':
                flow.request.headers["Host"] = ""