Call CAPL function from Python

alaya garci picture alaya garci · Apr 26, 2016 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

I'm working on CANalyzer and I can't find how to call a CAPL function which contains a parameter. If I put num in functions_call.Call(num) it doesn't work.

def call(num):
    print 'calling from CAN'
    return 1


schaazzz picture schaazzz · May 6, 2016

I ran into a similar problem a while back and some Googling led me to the following application note by Vector:

...checkout section "2.7 Calling CAPL Functions".

To sum it up, make sure to declare your CAPL function's parameters as "long", .e.g: the following seemed to work for me:

void function1(long l)
   write("function1() called with %d!", l);

For the sake of completion, this is how my python code (for the example above) looks like:

from win32com import client
import pythoncom
import time

function1 = None
canoe_app = None
is_running = False

class EventHandler:

    def OnInit(self):
        global canoe_app
        global function1

        function1 = canoe_app.CAPL.GetFunction('function1')

    def OnStart(self):
        global is_running
        is_running = True

canoe_app = client.Dispatch('CANoe.Application')
measurement = canoe_app.Measurement
measurement_events = client.WithEvents(measurement, EventHandler)

# The following loop takes care of any pending events and, once, the Measurement
# starts, it will call the CAPL function "function1" 10 times and then exit!
count = 0
while count < 10:
    if (is_running):
        count += 1
