How to redirect to external URL in Django?

1man picture 1man · Mar 9, 2016 · Viewed 26.4k times · Source

I think this should be easy, but I cannot figure it out. I am trying to write an opt-out view. I am receiving a get request. Through, I render my opt-out view. In this view, I save some parameters for the user in the database and then I want to redirect the user to an external URL. I tried:

return redirect('')

from Django documentation. However, the optout view renders the training template instead of returning the redirect, though the parameters are saved in the database as expected. My code is as follows:

def optout(request):
    if (('REMOTE_USER' in request.META and request.META['REMOTE_USER'] != "") or 
        (request.session.get('userid', False) and request.session['userid'] != "")):
        if ('REMOTE_USER' in request.META and request.META['REMOTE_USER'] != ""):
            userid = request.META['REMOTE_USER']
        if (request.session.get('userid', False) and request.session['userid'] != ""):
            userid = request.session['userid']
        user = User.objects.get(username=userid)
        user.optout = True
        user.postpone = False
        return redirect('')
    context = { 'userid': "" }
    return render(request, 'games/Training.html', context)

Any help is highly appreciated.


sytech picture sytech · Mar 9, 2016

Yeah, return redirect('') is the correct method.

If you do the following, you can confirm that is a working method to redirect.

   from django.shortcuts import redirect

   def optout(request):
       return redirect("")

Your conditional statements must not be catching.