What substitutes xreadlines() in Python 3?

snakile picture snakile · Aug 22, 2010 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

In Python 2, file objects had an xreadlines() method which returned an iterator that would read the file one line at a time. In Python 3, the xreadlines() method no longer exists, and realines() still returns a list (not an iterator). Does Python 3 has something similar to xreadlines()?

I know I can do

for line in f:

instead of

for line in f.xreadlines():

But I would also like to use xreadlines() without a for loop:

print(f.xreadlines()[7]) #read lines 0 to 7 and prints line 7


kennytm picture kennytm · Aug 22, 2010

The file object itself is already an iterable.

>>> f = open('1.txt')
>>> f
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='1.txt' encoding='UTF-8'>
>>> next(f)
>>> next(f)

Use itertools.islice to get an arbitrary element from an iterable.

>>> f.seek(0)
>>> next(islice(f, 7, None))