I am trying to get all comments of issues created in JIRA of a certain search query. My query is fairly simple:
import jira
from jira.client import JIRA
def fetch_tickets_open_yesterday(jira_object):
# JIRA query to fetch the issues
open_issues = jira_object.search_issues('project = Support AND issuetype = Incident AND \
(status = "Open" OR status = "Resolved" OR status = "Waiting For Customer")', maxResults = 100,expand='changelog')
# returns all open issues
return open_issues
However, if I try to access the comments of tickets created using the following notation, I get a key error.
for issue in issues:
print issue.raw['fields']['comment']
If I try to get comments of a single issue like below, I can access the comments:
single_issue = jira_object.issue('SUP-136834')
How do I access these comments through search_issues() function?
The comment field is not returned by the search_issues method you have to manually state the fields that must be included by setting the corresponding parameter.
just include the 'fields' and 'json_result' parameter in the search_issue method and set it like this
open_issues = jira_object.search_issues('project = Support AND issuetype = Incident AND \
(status = "Open" OR status = "Resolved" OR status = "Waiting For Customer")', maxResults = 100,expand='changelog',fields = 'comment',json_result ='True')
Now you can access the comments without getting keytype error
comm=([issue.raw['fields']['comment']['comments'] for issue in open_issues])