Forgive me if this is quite basic but I have Python 2.7 and Elasticsearch 2.1.1 and I am just trying to delete an index using
es.delete(index='researchtest', doc_type='test')
but this gives me
return func(*args, params=params, **kwargs)
TypeError: delete() takes at least 4 arguments (4 given)
I also tried
es.delete_by_query(index='researchtest', doc_type='test',body='{"query":{"match_all":{}}}')
but I get
AttributeError: 'Elasticsearch' object has no attribute 'delete_by_query'
Any idea why? Has the api changed for 2.1.1 for python?
From the docs, use this notation:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
es.indices.delete(index='test-index', ignore=[400, 404])