I am trying to write automation to a little project that I'm doing in work. In the proccess I need to disable Windows Firewall (for every Windows version) using python (I prefer activepython because it already installed).
I looked for many answers but I didn't found any answer that suits my needs.
I found this site: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2012-July/012434.html But the problem is that when I check from the control panel the actual disabling of Firewall is not happening...
Can someone help me with this problem?
The best way to do it would be using WMI
import wmi,os
c = wmi.WMI("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
for obj in c.HNet_ConnectionProperties():
print obj
print obj.IsFirewalled
obj.IsFirewalled = False
Of course to do this you will need to be running the program as an administrator.
Hope this helps,