Is there a way to print key and value from a python dictionary in loop Qweb? For example, if I have a fuction that return a dictionary:
def get_informations(self):
return mydico
And then, in Qweb report:
<t t-foreach="doc.get_informations()" t-as="l">
<td class="text-right">
<t t-esc="l"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-esc="l_value"/>
How could I print the key and the value ?
Update 07/12/15:
Thank you for your return. Exactly, when I put
<t t-foreach="{'my': 'first', 'my2': 'second' }" t-as="v">
It works, I have something like:
my first
my2 second
But when I use a function in foreach, with exactly the same output, qweb can't separate it, and I have:
{'my': 'first', 'my2': 'second' }
{'my': 'first', 'my2': 'second' }
So I decided to do another way:
In my inherit report:
<t t-foreach="doc.tabTaxes" t-as="v">
<span t-esc=""/>
<span t-esc="doc.get_amount([0]"/>
In sale.order models inherit :
def get_amount(self, taxeNom):
for ligne in self.order_line:
for taxe in ligne.tax_id:
if (taxeNom ==
try: total += ligne.price_reduce * (taxe.amount/100.)
except: total +=0
return "{0:.2f}".format(total)
Given that your function is returning valid dictionary to qWeb template, the below code should do the job :
<div id="wrap" class="oe_structure">
<t t-foreach="{'my': 'first', 'my2': 'second' }" t-as="v">
*<t t-esc="v"/> : <t t-esc="v_value"/></t>
And you can put tr in loop so it will create table row as you expect, code below will do that way :
<div id="wrap" class="oe_structure">
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<t t-foreach="doc.get_informations()" t-as="item">
<td class="text-right">
<t t-esc="item"/>
<td class="text-right">
<t t-esc="item_value"/>
you certainly don't need div their as required. Hope this will help you,