Matplotlib, horizontal bar chart (barh) is upside-down

xpt picture xpt · Dec 3, 2015 · Viewed 36.9k times · Source

TL'DR, the vertical bar charts are shown in a conventional way -- things line up from left to right. However, when it is converted to horizontal bar chart (from bar to barh), everything is upside-down. I.e., for a grouped bar chart, not only the order of the grouped bar is wrong, the order of the each group is wrong as well.

For e.g., the graph from

enter image description here

If you look closely, you will find that the the bar and legend are in reverse order -- Beef shows on top in legend but on bottom in the graph.

As the simplest demo, I changed kind='bar', to kind='barh', from this graph and the result looks like this:

I.e., the bars in the horizontal grouped bar chart is ordered upside-down.

How to fix it?

EDIT: @Ajean, it is actually not only the order of the grouped bar is wrong, the order of the each group is wrong as well. The graph from Simple customization of matplotlib/pandas bar chart (labels, ticks, etc.) shows it clearly:

the order of the each group is wrong

We can see that the order is unconventional too, because people would expect the graph to be top-down, with "AAA" at the top, not the bottom.

If you search for "Excel upside-down", you will find people are complaining about this in Excel all over the places. The Microsoft Excel has a fix for it, do Matplotlib/Panda/Searborn/Ploty/etc has a fix for it?


Andras Deak picture Andras Deak · Dec 4, 2015

I believe the joint wrong order of groups and subgroups boils down to a single feature: that the y axis increases upwards, as in a usual plot. Try reversing the y axis of your axes as in this pandas-less example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#plot1: bar

#plot2: barh, wrong order

#plot3: barh with correct order: top-down y axis

Specifically for pandas, pandas.DataFrame.plot and its various plotting submethods return a matplotlib axes object, so you can invert its y axis directly:

ax = df.plot.barh()  # or df.plot(), or similar