I don't know what mistakes I've done. Only tab, no space. I grab this code from this tutorial, http://cloudacademy.com/blog/google-prediction-api/. (I'm using PyCharm for development).
Error message
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 /Users/ZERO/GooglePredictionApi/google.py File "/Users/ZERO/GooglePredictionApi/google.py", line 72 api = get_prediction_api() ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent
Process finished with exit code 1
Sample code
import httplib2, argparse, os, sys, json
from oauth2client import tools, file, client
from googleapiclient import discovery
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
#Project and model configuration
project_id = '132567073760'
model_id = 'HAR-model'
#activity labels
labels = {
'1': 'walking', '2': 'walking upstairs',
'3': 'walking downstairs', '4': 'sitting',
'5': 'standing', '6': 'laying'
def main():
""" Simple logic: train and make prediction """
except HttpError as e:
if e.resp.status == 404: #model does not exist
print("Model does not exist yet.")
else: #real error
def make_prediction():
""" Use trained model to generate a new prediction """
api = get_prediction_api() //error here
print("Fetching model.")
model = api.trainedmodels().get(project=project_id, id=model_id).execute()
if model.get('trainingStatus') != 'DONE':
print("Model is (still) training. \nPlease wait and run me again!") #no polling
print("Model is ready.")
#Optionally analyze model stats (big json!)
analysis = api.trainedmodels().analyze(project=project_id, id=model_id).execute()
#read new record from local file
with open('record.csv') as f:
record = f.readline().split(',') #csv
#obtain new prediction
prediction = api.trainedmodels().predict(project=project_id, id=model_id, body={
'input': {
'csvInstance': record
#retrieve classified label and reliability measures for each class
label = prediction.get('outputLabel')
stats = prediction.get('outputMulti')
#show results
print("You are currently %s (class %s)." % (labels[label], label) )
def train_model():
""" Create new classification model """
api = get_prediction_api()
print("Creating new Model.")
api.trainedmodels().insert(project=project_id, body={
'id': model_id,
'storageDataLocation': 'machine-learning-dataset/dataset.csv',
def get_prediction_api(service_account=True):
scope = [
return get_api('prediction', scope, service_account)
def get_api(api, scope, service_account=True):
""" Build API client based on oAuth2 authentication """
STORAGE = file.Storage('oAuth2.json') #local storage of oAuth tokens
credentials = STORAGE.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: #check if new oAuth flow is needed
if service_account: #server 2 server flow
with open('service_account.json') as f:
account = json.loads(f.read())
email = account['client_email']
key = account['private_key']
credentials = client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(email, key, scope=scope)
else: #normal oAuth2 flow
CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'client_secrets.json')
FLOW = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS, scope=scope)
PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents=[tools.argparser])
FLAGS = PARSER.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
credentials = tools.run_flow(FLOW, STORAGE, FLAGS)
#wrap http with credentials
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
return discovery.build(api, "v1.6", http=http)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is Alex from CloudAcademy.
You can find the updated gist here: https://gist.github.com/alexcasalboni/cf11cc076ad70a445612
As others pointed out, the error is due to an inconsistent indentation. This is a general Python problem, not related to Google Prediction API or Machine Learning.
Whenever you find yourself in such a situation, I would recommend to simply follow PEP8 conventions and convert every hard tab into spaces. As this answer correctly suggested, you can fix the problem with tabnanny or by properly configuring your code editor.