I have a array in size MxN and I like to compute the entropy value of each row. What would be the fastest way to do so ?
computes -x*log(x) for each element in an array. After calling that, you can sum the rows.
Here's an example. First, create an array p
of positive values whose rows sum to 1:
In [23]: np.random.seed(123)
In [24]: x = np.random.rand(3, 10)
In [25]: p = x/x.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
In [26]: p
array([[ 0.12798052, 0.05257987, 0.04168536, 0.1013075 , 0.13220688,
0.07774843, 0.18022149, 0.1258417 , 0.08837421, 0.07205402],
[ 0.08313743, 0.17661773, 0.1062474 , 0.01445742, 0.09642919,
0.17878489, 0.04420998, 0.0425045 , 0.12877228, 0.1288392 ],
[ 0.11793032, 0.15790292, 0.13467074, 0.11358463, 0.13429674,
0.06003561, 0.06725376, 0.0424324 , 0.05459921, 0.11729367]])
In [27]: p.shape
Out[27]: (3, 10)
In [28]: p.sum(axis=1)
Out[28]: array([ 1., 1., 1.])
Now compute the entropy of each row. entr
uses the natural logarithm, so to get the base-2 log, divide the result by log(2)
In [29]: from scipy.special import entr
In [30]: entr(p).sum(axis=1)
Out[30]: array([ 2.22208731, 2.14586635, 2.22486581])
In [31]: entr(p).sum(axis=1)/np.log(2)
Out[31]: array([ 3.20579434, 3.09583074, 3.20980287])
If you don't want the dependency on scipy
, you can use the explicit formula:
In [32]: (-p*np.log2(p)).sum(axis=1)
Out[32]: array([ 3.20579434, 3.09583074, 3.20980287])