Unable to install boto3

Prabhakar Shanmugam picture Prabhakar Shanmugam · Oct 28, 2015 · Viewed 132.2k times · Source

I have trouble installing boto3 inside a virtual environment.

I have done what the document says. First I activated virtual environment. then I did a:

Sudo pip install boto3

Now I enter python

>> import boto3
ImportError: No module named boto3

But if I import boto, it works

>> import boto
>> boto.Version

Why does it install boto 2.38 when I installed boto3. I tried closing the terminal and re-opened it. Should I restart the Ubuntu machine?


CasualT picture CasualT · Aug 2, 2016

There is another possible scenario that might get some people as well (if you have python and python3 on your system):

pip3 install boto3

Note the use of pip3 indicates the use of Python 3's pip installation vs just pip which indicates the use of Python 2's.