Instance types: (t2.micro, t2.small, c4.large...) those listed here:
I want to access a list of these through boto3. something like:
or even
which everything seems to look like in this weird api.
I've looked through the docs for client and ServiceResource, but i can't find anything that seems to come close. I haven't even found a hacky solution that lists something else that happen to represent all the instance types.
Anyone with more experience of boto3?
There's now boto3.client('ec2').describe_instance_types()
and corresponding aws-cli command aws ec2 describe-instance-types
'''EC2 describe_instance_types usage example'''
import boto3
def ec2_instance_types(region_name):
'''Yield all available EC2 instance types in region <region_name>'''
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region_name)
describe_args = {}
while True:
describe_result = ec2.describe_instance_types(**describe_args)
yield from [i['InstanceType'] for i in describe_result['InstanceTypes']]
if 'NextToken' not in describe_result:
describe_args['NextToken'] = describe_result['NextToken']
for ec2_type in ec2_instance_types('us-east-1'):
Expect about 3s of running time.