How best to convert from azure blob csv format to pandas dataframe while running notebook in azure ml picture · Oct 13, 2015 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

I have a number of large csv (tab delimited) data stored as azure blobs, and I want to create a pandas dataframe from these. I can do this locally as follows:

from import BlobService
import pandas as pd
import os.path

LOCALFILENAME= 'path/to.csv'        
CONTAINERNAME= 'container_name'
BLOBNAME= 'bloby_data/000000_0'

blob_service = BlobService(account_name=STORAGEACCOUNTNAME, account_key=STORAGEACCOUNTKEY)

# Only get a local copy if haven't already got it
if not os.path.isfile(LOCALFILENAME):

df_customer = pd.read_csv(LOCALFILENAME, sep='\t')

However, when running the notebook on azure ML notebooks, I can't 'save a local copy' and then read from csv, and so I'd like to do the conversion directly (something like pd.read_azure_blob(blob_csv) or just pd.read_csv(blob_csv) would be ideal).

I can get to the desired end result (pandas dataframe for blob csv data), if I first create an azure ML workspace, and then read the datasets into that, and finally using to access the dataset as a pandas dataframe, but I'd prefer to just read straight from the blob storage location.


maxymoo picture maxymoo · Oct 13, 2015

I think you want to use get_blob_to_bytes, or get_blob_to_text; these should output a string which you can use to create a dataframe as

from io import StringIO
blobstring = blob_service.get_blob_to_text(CONTAINERNAME,BLOBNAME)
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(blobstring))