How to create a mysql connection pool or any better way to initialize the multiple databases?

mrsteel picture mrsteel · Sep 18, 2015 · Viewed 18.4k times · Source

In my code I am opening two mysql connections and using HTTP requests to insert data into database

g.db = mysql.connector.connect(user=a ,password=password, host=localhost,database=mysq1)
g.db1 = mysql.connector.connect(user=b,password=password, host=localhost,database=mysql2)

def insert(db):
   #code for inserting data into mysql1 database
   #code for inserting data into mysql2 database

I am making HTTP requests to select the databases.

  curl -i 'localhost:5000/user/mysql1' #

It is working well, data is getting inserted into the selected database. But I was thinking of creating a connection pool for the two connections and then used that pool.


  1. How to implement the mysql connection pooling?

  2. Is there other better way of initializing connections.Currently connection get opened at each request.


buxizhizhoum picture buxizhizhoum · Jul 20, 2017
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import mysql.connector.pooling

dbconfig = {

class MySQLPool(object):
    create a pool when connect mysql, which will decrease the time spent in 
    request connection, create connection and close connection.
    def __init__(self, host="", port="3306", user="root",
                 password="123456", database="test", pool_name="mypool",
        res = {}
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._user = user
        self._password = password
        self._database = database

        res["host"] = self._host
        res["port"] = self._port
        res["user"] = self._user
        res["password"] = self._password
        res["database"] = self._database
        self.dbconfig = res
        self.pool = self.create_pool(pool_name=pool_name, pool_size=pool_size)

    def create_pool(self, pool_name="mypool", pool_size=3):
        Create a connection pool, after created, the request of connecting 
        MySQL could get a connection from this pool instead of request to 
        create a connection.
        :param pool_name: the name of pool, default is "mypool"
        :param pool_size: the size of pool, default is 3
        :return: connection pool
        pool = mysql.connector.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(
        return pool

    def close(self, conn, cursor):
        A method used to close connection of mysql.
        :param conn: 
        :param cursor: 

    def execute(self, sql, args=None, commit=False):
        Execute a sql, it could be with args and with out args. The usage is 
        similar with execute() function in module pymysql.
        :param sql: sql clause
        :param args: args need by sql clause
        :param commit: whether to commit
        :return: if commit, return None, else, return result
        # get connection form connection pool instead of create one.
        conn = self.pool.get_connection()
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        if args:
            cursor.execute(sql, args)
        if commit is True:
            self.close(conn, cursor)
            return None
            res = cursor.fetchall()
            self.close(conn, cursor)
            return res

    def executemany(self, sql, args, commit=False):
        Execute with many args. Similar with executemany() function in pymysql.
        args should be a sequence.
        :param sql: sql clause
        :param args: args
        :param commit: commit or not.
        :return: if commit, return None, else, return result
        # get connection form connection pool instead of create one.
        conn = self.pool.get_connection()
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.executemany(sql, args)
        if commit is True:
            self.close(conn, cursor)
            return None
            res = cursor.fetchall()
            self.close(conn, cursor)
            return res

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mysql_pool = MySQLPool(**dbconfig)
    sql = "select * from store WHERE create_time < '2017-06-02'"

    # test...
    while True:
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(10):
            print i
        print "time cousumed:", time.time() - t0

You could create a connection pool at the beginning with create_pool() which finally cause MySQLConnectionPool(), and when you need to connect to MySQL, you could get a connection with get_connection() from the pool, and when you do not need the connection you could add the connection back to the pool with conn.close().