how would one go about finding the minimum value in an array of 100 floats in python?
I have tried minindex=darr.argmin() and print darr[minindex] with import numpy (darr is the name of the array)
but i get:
Hi I have an array with X amount of values in it I would like to locate the indexs of the ten smallest values. In this link they calculated the maximum effectively, How to get indices of N maximum values …
Hey this is a quick and easy question...
How would i find the minimum value of this matrix, excluding 0?
As in, 8
arr = numpy.array([[ 0., 56., 20., 44.],
[ 68., 0., 56., 8.],
[ 32., 56., 0., 44.],
[ 68., 20., 56., 0.]])