I'm trying to use neovim with deoplete and UtilSnips. Both requires Python support from nvim.
I followed the instructions in :help nvim_python
to set the support but the output of :echo has('python')
or :echo has('python3')
are both 0
On nvim-startup I get the message UltiSnips requires py >= 2.7 or py3
and for deoplete It requires Neovim with Python 3 support ("+python3")
My python
(2.7.10) and python3
(3.4.3) are both installed with homebrew. The neovim module is installed over pip
and pip3
with install neovim
but nvim can't find it, even when I set the let g:python_host_prog
path in nvimrc.
I don't know what I am able to do anymore, has anyone an idea whats wrong with it?
Please follow the instruction on https://neovim.io/doc/user/provider.html#provider-python to setup the python interpreter for neovim.
First, install pynvim (previously, it was named neovim
, but that has been changed) plugin
pip3 install pynvim
Print g:loaded_python3_provider
echo g:loaded_python3_provider
" for python 2.x use the following
" echo g:loaded_python_provider
If it returns 1
, the python is not setup for neovim. In your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
file, set the python interpreter
let g:python3_host_prog='/path/to/python3'
" for python2, use the following instead
"let g:python_host_prog = '/path/to/python2.7'