I have a pdf file and i want to replace some text in pdf file and generate new pdf. How can i do that in python? I have tried reportlab , reportlab does not have any fucntion to search text and replace it. What other module can i use?
You can try Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for Python, Aspose.PDF Cloud is a REST API PDF Processing solution. It is paid API and its free package plan provides 50 credits per month.
I'm developer evangelist at Aspose.
import os
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.apis.pdf_api import PdfApi
# Get App key and App SID from https://cloud.aspose.com
pdf_api_client = asposepdfcloud.api_client.ApiClient(
pdf_api = PdfApi(pdf_api_client)
filename = '02_pages.pdf'
remote_name = '02_pages.pdf'
copied_file= '02_pages_new.pdf'
#upload PDF file to storage
#upload PDF file to storage
#Replace Text
text_replace = asposepdfcloud.models.TextReplace(old_value='origami',new_value='polygami',regex='true')
text_replace_list = asposepdfcloud.models.TextReplaceListRequest(text_replaces=[text_replace])
response = pdf_api.post_document_text_replace(copied_file, text_replace_list)