I can set mappings of index being created in curl command like this:
"format":"dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss"
But I need to create that index with elasticsearch client in python and set mappings.. what is the way ? I tried somethings below but not work:
self.elastic_con = Elasticsearch([host], verify_certs=True)
self.elastic_con.indices.create(index="accesslog", ignore=400)
params = "{\"mappings\":{\"logs_june\":{\"_timestamp\": {\"enabled\": \"true\"},\"properties\":{\"logdate\":{\"type\":\"date\",\"format\":\"dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss\"}}}}}"
You can simply add the mapping in the create
call like this:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
self.elastic_con = Elasticsearch([host], verify_certs=True)
mapping = '''
"format":"dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss"
self.elastic_con.indices.create(index='test-index', ignore=400, body=mapping)