I want to gracefully notify the user exactly where their mucked up YAML file is flawed. Line 288 of python-3.4.1/lib/python-3.4/yaml/scanner.py
is where it reports a common parsing error and handles it by throwing an exception:
raise ScannerError("while scanning a simple key", key.mark,
"could not found expected ':'", self.get_mark())
I am struggling how to report it.
parsed_yaml = yaml.safe_load(txt)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
print ("scanner error 1")
if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
mark = exc.problem_mark
print("Error parsing Yaml file at line %s, column %s." %
(mark.line, mark.column+1))
print ("Something went wrong while parsing yaml file")
This gives
$ yaml_parse.py
scanner error 1
Error parsing Yaml file line 1508, column 9.
But how do I get the error text and whatever is in key.mark
and the other mark?
More usefully, how do I examine the PyYaml source to figure this out? The ScannerError class seems to ignore the parameters (from scanner.py
line 32):
class ScannerError(MarkedYAMLError):
Based on @Anthon's answer, this code works quite well:
import yaml
print ('Fatal error: Yaml library not available')
f = open ('y.yml')
txt = f.read()
yml = yaml.load(txt, yaml.SafeLoader)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
print ("Error while parsing YAML file:")
if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
if exc.context != None:
print (' parser says\n' + str(exc.problem_mark) + '\n ' +
str(exc.problem) + ' ' + str(exc.context) +
'\nPlease correct data and retry.')
print (' parser says\n' + str(exc.problem_mark) + '\n ' +
str(exc.problem) + '\nPlease correct data and retry.')
print ("Something went wrong while parsing yaml file")
# make use of `yml`
Example outputs with mildly clobbered data:
$ yaml_parse.py
Error while parsing YAML file:
parser says
in "<unicode string>", line 1525, column 9:
- name: Curve 1
could not found expected ':' while scanning a simple key
Please correct data and retry.
$ yaml_parse.py
Error while parsing YAML file:
parser says
in "<unicode string>", line 1526, column 10:
curve: title 1
mapping values are not allowed here
Please correct data and retry.