I am trying to create a backend with Django Rest Framework and am trying to determine where to place the business logic. Would it go in the views.py? I would like to create more complex services than just getting a list of objects or grabbing one specific object. Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks. I realize there is a discussion about the business logic in a generic Django project but I am asking specifically about the django rest framework.
It is more about design patterns rather than Django Rest Framework.
Here are some tips:
Suppose that you have an online coffee shop & you'd like to provide a REST API for ordering coffees.
Here are my suggested code samples:
def order(request, quantity=1):
# Process the order by calling the mapped method
order_id = CoffeeShopService.place_order(quantity)
return HttpResponse({'order_id': order_id, mimetype='application/json')
class CoffeeShopService(object):
def place_order(quantity):
# do the business logic here
return order_id