So I'm writing yet another Twisted based daemon. It'll have an xmlrpc interface as usual so I can easily communicate with it and have other processes interchange data with it as needed.
This daemon needs to access a database. We've been using SQL Alchemy in place of hard coding SQL strings for our latest projects - those mostly done for web apps in Pylons.
We'd like to do the same for this app and re-use library code that makes use of SQL Alchemy. So what to do? Well of course since that library was written for use in a Pylons app it's all the straight-forward blocking style code that everyone is accustomed to and all of the non-blocking is magically handled by Pylons via threading, thread locals, scoped sessions and so on.
So now for Twisted I guess I'm a bit stuck. I could:
I'm also stuck using Python 2.5.4 atm so no 2.6 yet and I don't think I can just do an import from future to get access to the cool new multiprocessing module stuff in there. That's OK though I guess as we've got dealing with interprocess communication down pretty well.
So I'm leaning towards option 4 mostly as that would avoid the mortal sin of logic duplication with option 1 while also staying the heck away from threads.
My first attempt though will be option 2 to just get the thing going and then separate out the calls to the library code perhaps into a separate process if it looks like there's a good chance that something might take a bit too long to block on. Sad. Maybe a combination of Stackless Python and Twisted would be interesting here.
Any better ideas?
In the intervening couple of years, Alex Gaynor created which may be a better central repository for doing integration with SQLAlchemy and Twisted.