Filling WTForms FormField FieldList with data results in HTML in fields

Aaron D picture Aaron D · Apr 8, 2015 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I have a Flask app in which I can populate form data by uploading a CSV file which is then read. I want to populate a FieldList with the data read from the CSV. However, when I try to populate the data, it enters raw HTML into the TextFields instead of just the value that I want. What am I doing wrong?

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for
from import Form
from wtforms import StringField, FieldList, FormField, SelectField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

app = Flask(__name__)

# normally student data is read in from a file uploaded, but for this demo we use dummy data
student_info=[("123","Bob Jones"),("234","Peter Johnson"),("345","Carly Everett"),
              ("456","Josephine Edgewood"),("567","Pat White"),("678","Jesse Black")]

class FileUploadForm(Form):

class StudentForm(Form):
    student_id = StringField('Student ID', validators = [DataRequired()])
    student_name = StringField('Student Name', validators = [DataRequired()])

class AddClassForm(Form):
    name = StringField('classname', validators=[DataRequired()])
    day = SelectField('classday', 

    students = FieldList(FormField(StudentForm), min_entries = 5) # show at least 5 blank fields by default

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addclass():
    fileform = FileUploadForm()
    classform = AddClassForm()

    # Check which 'submit' button was called to validate the correct form
    if 'addclass' in request.form and classform.validate_on_submit():
        # Add class to DB - not relevant for this example.
        return redirect(url_for('addclass'))

    if 'upload' in request.form and fileform.validate_on_submit():
        # get the data file from the post - not relevant for this example.
        # overwrite the classform by populating it with values read from file
        classform = PopulateFormFromFile()
        return render_template('addclass.html', classform=classform)

    return render_template('addclass.html', fileform=fileform, classform=classform)

def PopulateFormFromFile():
    classform = AddClassForm()

    # normally we would read the file passed in as an argument and pull data out, 
    # but let's just use the dummy data from the top of this file, and some hardcoded values = "Super Awesome Class" = 4 # Thursday

    # pop off any blank fields already in student info
    while len(classform.students) > 0:

    for student_id, name in student_info:
        # either of these ways have the same end result.
        # studentform = StudentForm()
        # = student_id
        # = name
        # OR
        student_data = MultiDict([('student_id',student_id), ('student_name',name)])
        studentform = StudentForm(student_data)


    return classform

if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5001)


        <title>Flask FieldList Demo</title>
        <h1>Add Class</h1>
        {% if fileform %}
            <p>Add class from file:</p>
            <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="fileform">
                {{ fileform.hidden_tag() }}
                <p><input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload"></p>
        {% endif %}
            <form action="" method="post" name="classform">
                {{ classform.hidden_tag() }}
                Class Name: {{ }}<br>
                Day: {{ }}<br>
                            <th> Student Number </th>
                            <th> Name </th>
                        {% for student in classform.students %}
                            <td>{{ student.student_id }}</td>
                            <td>{{ student.student_name }}</td>
                        {% endfor %}
                <p><input type="submit" name="addclass" value="Add Class"></p>

The offending code snippet happens at the line classform.students.append_entry(studentform). I can post the output HTML if required. What I expect is something like this: Expected Output What I get instead is: enter image description here


Aaron D picture Aaron D · Apr 8, 2015

OK, I spent hours on this and in the end it was such a trivial code change.

Most fields let you change their value by modifying the data attribute (as I was doing above). In fact, in my code, I had this comment as above:

    ### either of these ways have the same end result.
    # studentform = StudentForm()
    # = student_id
    # = name
    ### OR
    # student_data = MultiDict([('student_id',student_id), ('student_name',name)])
    # studentform = StudentForm(student_data)

However, in the case of a FieldList of FormFields, we should not edit the data attribute, but rather the field itself. The following code works as expected:

for student_id, name in student_info:

    studentform = StudentForm()
    studentform.student_id = student_id     # not
    studentform.student_name = name


I hope this helps someone experiencing the same problem.