I'm using Flask and Jinja2 and I need to make an editable table with multiple rows.
This is what the table will look like:
And here's HTML for that:
<form action="/support/team-members-update" method="post">
<th>Inbox Share</th>
<td>Ben</td><td>55555</td><td><input type="text" name="share_55555" value="0"></td></tr> <tr>
<td>Steve</td><td>66666</td><td><input type="text" name="share_66666" value="1"></td></tr> <tr>
<td>Harry</td><td>77777</td><td><input type="text" name="share_77777" value="1"></td></tr> <tr>
<td>Sally</td><td>88888</td><td><input type="text" name="share_88888" value="1"></td></tr></tbody></table>
<button type="submit">Send</button>
My current implementation is in Lua, where I'm hard coding a bunch of strings and connecting up the post data to native Lua types by hand (fun!). If I have to, I can process the form data by hand in Python as well, but I imagine there's probably a better solution out there.
I have explored WTForms a bit, but haven't had much luck getting it to work correctly.
I did find FieldList, but that seems to deal with a list of the same field, not multiple rows with the same exact fields.
I also found TableWidget, but the documentation is sparse and I can't figure out how to implement it to know if that would do what I'm looking to do.
FieldList will work, you need to make a list of a FormField. Specify your FormField like so:
class MemberForm(Form):
name = StringField('name')
member_id = StringField('member_id')
inbox_share = IntegerField('inbox_share')
# etc.
class TeamForm(Form):
title = StringField('title')
teammembers = FieldList(FormField(MemberForm))
Then you can create the forms from your database in a view function like so:
@app.route('/support/team-members-update', methods=['GET','POST'])
def update_team_members():
teamform = TeamForm()
teamform.title.data = "My Team" # change the field's data
for member in DB.get('teammembers') # some database function to get a list of team members
member_form = MemberForm()
member_form.name = member.name # These fields don't use 'data'
member_form.member_id = member.id
member_form.inbox_share = member.share
return render_template('edit-team.html', teamform = teamform)
And then in the template, you can iterate over each item in teammembers
as you create your table rows:
<title>Edit Team Members</title>
<h1>Edit Team</h1>
<form action="" method="post" name="teamform">
{{ teamform.hidden_tag() }}
Team Title: {{ teamform.title }}<br>
<th> Name </th>
<th> ID </th>
<th> Inbox Share </th>
{% for member in teamform.teammembers %}
<td>{{ member.name }}</td>
<td>{{ member.member_id }}</td>
<td>{{ member.inbox_share }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<p><input type="submit" name="edit" value="Send"></p>