I'm installing Caffe on an Ubuntu 14.04 virtual server with CUDA installed (without driver) using https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Ubuntu-14.04-VirtualBox-VM as inspiration. During the installation process I edited the MakeFile to include "CPU_ONLY := 1"
before building it. However, it seems that Caffe is still trying to make use of the GPU. When I try to run a test example I get the following error:
python python/classify.py examples/images/cat.jpg foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python/classify.py", line 130, in <module>
File "python/classify.py", line 103, in main
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'gpu'
How can I fix this and run entirely on CPU?
I'm gonna add a few words to Mailerdaimon's answer.
I followed the installation guide (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Ubuntu-14.04-VirtualBox-VM) to setup Caffe in my vagrant virtual machine. FYI, virtual machines DO NOT support GPU accelerating. Back to the point, after I fix 'CPU / GPU switch in example scripts'(https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/pull/2058) and add '--print_results --labels_file' options(https://github.com/jetpacapp/caffe/blob/master/python/classify.py) to 'python/classify.py', this command './python/classify.py ./examples/images/cat.jpg foo --print_results' still throws the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./python/classify.py", line 175, in <module>
File "./python/classify.py", line 129, in main
File "/home/vagrant/caffe/python/caffe/classifier.py", line 38, in __init__
self.transformer.set_mean(in_, mean)
File "/home/vagrant/caffe/python/caffe/io.py", line 267, in set_mean
raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')
ValueError: Mean shape incompatible with input shape.
Then I dump the shape of 'mean'(which is 3*256*256) and 'input'(3*227*227). Obviously these two shapes are incompatible. But old versions of 'set_mean()' do NOT throw the error, so I dig into the python code and find out that old 'set_mean()' function looks like this(python/caffe/pycaffe.py, line 195-202, https://github.com/jetpacapp/caffe/):
if mode == 'elementwise':
if mean.shape != in_shape[1:]:
# Resize mean (which requires H x W x K input in range [0,1]).
m_min, m_max = mean.min(), mean.max()
normal_mean = (mean - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)
mean = caffe.io.resize_image(normal_mean.transpose((1,2,0)),
in_shape[2:]).transpose((2,0,1)) * (m_max - m_min) + m_min
But in latest Caffe, contributors encapsulate 'set_mean()' and other transformation functions into class 'Transformer'. New 'set_mean()' function looks like this(python/caffe/io.py, line 253-254, https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/):
if ms != self.inputs[in_][1:]:
raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')
Jesus, how could these two be the same function? So I change the new 'set_mean()', comment out the error raising sentence, and add shape re-sizing procedure as in old 'set_mean()'.
if ms != ins:
in_shape = self.inputs[in_][1:]
m_min, m_max = mean.min(), mean.max()
normal_mean = (mean - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)
mean = resize_image(normal_mean.transpose((1,2,0)),
in_shape[1:]).transpose((2,0,1)) * \
(m_max - m_min) + m_min
raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')
Voila, problem solved.
Classifying 1 inputs.
Done in 1.17 s.
[('tabby', '0.27933'), ('tiger cat', '0.21915'), ('Egyptian cat', '0.16064'), ('lynx', '0.12844'), ('kit fox', '0.05155')]