How to delete files with a Python script from a FTP server which are older than 7 days?

Tom picture Tom · May 19, 2010 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

I would like to write a Python script which allows me to delete files from a FTP Server after they have reached a certain age. I prepared the scipt below but it throws the error message: WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/test123/*.*'

Do someone have an idea how to resolve this issue? Thank you in advance!

import os, time
from ftplib import FTP

ftp = FTP('')
print "Automated FTP Maintainance"
print 'Logging in.'
ftp.login('admin', 'admin')

# This is the directory that we want to go to
path = 'test123'
print 'Changing to:' + path
files = ftp.retrlines('LIST')
print 'List of Files:' + files 
#--everything works fine until here!...

#--The Logic which shall delete the files after the are 7 days old--
now = time.time()
for f in os.listdir(path):
  if os.stat(f).st_mtime < now - 7 * 86400:
    if os.path.isfile(f):
        os.remove(os.path.join(path, f))
    exit ("Cannot delete files")

print 'Closing FTP connection'


tzot picture tzot · Jun 25, 2010

OK. Assuming your FTP server supports the MLSD command, make a module with the following code (this is code from a script I use to sync a remote FTP site with a local directory):

module code

# for python ≥ 2.6
import sys, os, time, ftplib
import collections
FTPDir= collections.namedtuple("FTPDir", "name size mtime tree")
FTPFile= collections.namedtuple("FTPFile", "name size mtime")

class FTPDirectory(object):
    def __init__(self, path='.'):
        self.dirs= []
        self.files= []
        self.path= path

    def getdata(self, ftpobj):
        ftpobj.retrlines('MLSD', self.addline)

    def addline(self, line):
        data, _, name= line.partition('; ')
        fields= data.split(';')
        for field in fields:
            field_name, _, field_value= field.partition('=')
            if field_name == 'type':
                target= self.dirs if field_value == 'dir' else self.files
            elif field_name in ('sizd', 'size'):
                size= int(field_value)
            elif field_name == 'modify':
                mtime= time.mktime(time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
        if target is self.files:
            target.append(FTPFile(name, size, mtime))
            target.append(FTPDir(name, size, mtime, self.__class__(os.path.join(self.path, name))))

    def walk(self):
        for ftpfile in self.files:
            yield self.path, ftpfile
        for ftpdir in self.dirs:
            for path, ftpfile in ftpdir.tree.walk():
                yield path, ftpfile

class FTPTree(FTPDirectory):
    def getdata(self, ftpobj):
        super(FTPTree, self).getdata(ftpobj)
        for dirname in self.dirs:

single directory case

If you want to work on the files of a directory, you can:

import ftplib, time

quite_old= time.time() - 7*86400 # seven days

site= ftplib.FTP(hostname, username, password)
site.cwd(the_directory_to_work_on) # if it's '.', you can skip this line
folder= FTPDirectory()
folder.getdata(site) # get the filenames
for path, ftpfile in folder.walk():
    if ftpfile.mtime < quite_old:

This should do what you want.

a directory and its descendants

Now, if this should work recursively, you'll have to do the following two changes in the code for “single directory case”:

folder= FTPTree()



Possible caveat

The servers I've worked with didn't have any issues with relative paths in the STOR and DELE commands, so site.delete with a relative path worked too. If your FTP server requires pathless filenames, you should first .cwd to the path provided, .delete the plain and then .cwd back to the base folder.