How To Resize a Video Clip in Python

Seyed Ali Akhavani picture Seyed Ali Akhavani · Feb 6, 2015 · Viewed 21.5k times · Source

I want to resize a video clip in python 2.7.

For example we give "movie.mp4" with 1080p quality The result should be "movie.mp4" with 360p quality

I Think that there should be solutions with Moviepy. If you know a solution with it.

I would be grateful if you answer me.


Zulko picture Zulko · Feb 6, 2015

Here is how you resize a movie with moviepy: see the mpviepy doc here

import moviepy.editor as mp
clip = mp.VideoFileClip("movie.mp4")
clip_resized = clip.resize(height=360) # make the height 360px ( According to moviePy documenation The width is then computed so that the width/height ratio is conserved.)

You can also tune the quality by adding the parameter bitrate="500k" or bitrate="5000k" in the last line.

As said above, you could also use ffmpeg directly, it will be simpler if you just need a quick script.