I am getting this error thrown when trying to make a file. It is being designed to take a created .csv file and put it into a plain text file.
I would like it to create a new file after it has been run with the date and time stamp but I seem to get the Errno 22 when trying to generate the file.
Any ideas?
import csv
import time
f = open(raw_input('Enter file name: '),"r")
saveFile = open ('Bursarcodes_'+time.strftime("%x")+ '_'+time.strftime("%X")+
'.txt', 'w+')
csv_f = csv.reader(f)
for row in csv_f:
saveFile.write( 'insert into bursarcode_lookup(bursarcode, note_id)' +
' values (\'' + row[0] + '\', ' + row[1] + ')\n')
You cannot have slashes (/
) and colons (:
, but allowed in Unix) in your file name, but they are exactly what strftime
generates in its output.
Python tries to help you, it says:
No such file or directory: 'Bursarcodes_01/09/15_19:59:24.txt'
Replace time.strftime("%x")
with this:
time.strftime("%x").replace('/', '.')
...and time.strftime("%X")
with this:
time.strftime("%X").replace(':', '_')