How to return str from MySQL using mysql.connector?

Gulaev Valentin picture Gulaev Valentin · Dec 19, 2014 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I'm trying to use MySQL Connector/Python from with Python 3.

I have tables in UTF-8 coding, and when I fetch the rows, all my chars columns returned like bytearray. This is make some confusion.

How I can fetch directly str?


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import mysql.connector
con = mysql.connector.connect( user ="root", db = "vg_site_db", charset = 'utf8' )
cursor = con.cursor()
sql = """select caption from domains
cursor.execute( sql )
row = cursor.fetchone()
while row is not None:
    print( row )
    row = cursor.fetchone()



I want:



My tables use COLLATE utf8_bin.


danmichaelo picture danmichaelo · May 7, 2017

Seems like this happens when you use binary collation, at least the same happened to me. To convert the bytearrays to Unicode strings, you can add a custom converter class:

class MyConverter(mysql.connector.conversion.MySQLConverter):

    def row_to_python(self, row, fields):
        row = super(MyConverter, self).row_to_python(row, fields)

        def to_unicode(col):
            if isinstance(col, bytearray):
                return col.decode('utf-8')
            return col

        return[to_unicode(col) for col in row]

sql = mysql.connector.connect(converter_class=MyConverter, host=...)