Iterating through a JSON object

myusuf3 picture myusuf3 · Apr 29, 2010 · Viewed 441.2k times · Source

I am trying to iterate through a JSON object to import data, i.e. title and link. I can't seem to get to the content that is past the :.


        "title": "Baby (Feat. Ludacris) - Justin Bieber",
        "description": "Baby (Feat. Ludacris) by Justin Bieber on Grooveshark",
        "link": "",
        "pubDate": "Wed, 28 Apr 2010 02:37:53 -0400",
        "pubTime": 1272436673,
        "TinyLink": "",
        "SongID": "24447862",
        "SongName": "Baby (Feat. Ludacris)",
        "ArtistID": "1118876",
        "ArtistName": "Justin Bieber",
        "AlbumID": "4104002",
        "AlbumName": "My World (Part II);\n",
        "LongLink": "11578982",
        "GroovesharkLink": "11578982",
        "Link": ""
        "title": "Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz",
        "description": "Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz on Grooveshark",
        "link": "",
        "pubDate": "Wed, 28 Apr 2010 02:25:30 -0400",
        "pubTime": 1272435930

I tried using a dictionary:

def getLastSong(user,limit):
    base_url = ''
    user_url = base_url + str(user) + '/' + str(limit) + "/"
    raw = urllib.urlopen(user_url)
    json_raw= raw.readlines()
    json_object = json.loads(json_raw[0])

    #filtering and making it look good.
    gsongs = []
    print json_object
    for song in json_object[0]:   
        print song

This code only prints the information before :. (ignore the Justin Bieber track :))


tzot picture tzot · Apr 30, 2010

I believe you probably meant:

from __future__ import print_function

for song in json_object:
    # now song is a dictionary
    for attribute, value in song.items():
        print(attribute, value) # example usage

NB: You could use song.iteritems instead of song.items if in Python 2.