Here is a time series data like this,call it df:
'No' 'Date' 'Value'
0 600000 1999-11-10 1
1 600000 1999-11-11 1
2 600000 1999-11-12 1
3 600000 1999-11-15 1
4 600000 1999-11-16 1
5 600000 1999-11-17 1
6 600000 1999-11-18 0
7 600000 1999-11-19 1
8 600000 1999-11-22 1
9 600000 1999-11-23 1
10 600000 1999-11-24 1
11 600000 1999-11-25 0
12 600001 1999-11-26 1
13 600001 1999-11-29 1
14 600001 1999-11-30 0
I want to get the date range of the consecutive 'Value' of 1, so how can I get the final result as follows:
'No' 'BeginDate' 'EndDate' 'Consecutive'
0 600000 1999-11-10 1999-11-17 6
1 600000 1999-11-19 1999-11-24 4
2 600001 1999-11-26 1999-11-29 2
This should do it
df['value_grp'] = (df.Values.diff(1) != 0).astype('int').cumsum()
value_grp will increment by one whenever Value changes. Below, you can extract the group results
pd.DataFrame({'BeginDate' : df.groupby('value_grp').Date.first(),
'EndDate' : df.groupby('value_grp').Date.last(),
'Consecutive' : df.groupby('value_grp').size(),
'No' : df.groupby('value_grp').No.first()}).reset_index(drop=True)