I want to merge several series of cell ranges in an Excel file using Python Xlsxwriter, I found the Python command in the Xlsxwriter documentation in this website http://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example_merge1.html as below:
The only problem is that I have my ranges in row and columns numbers format for example (0,0) which is equal to A1. But Xlsxwriter seems to only accept format like A1. I was wondering if anybody else had the same problem and if there is any solution for that.
Almost all methods in XlsxWriter support both A1
and (row, col)
notation, see the docs. So the following are equivalent for merge_range()
worksheet.merge_range('B4:D4', 'Merged Range', merge_format)
worksheet.merge_range(3, 1, 3, 3, 'Merged Range', merge_format)