Nested resources in Django REST Framework

Tal Peretz picture Tal Peretz · Oct 20, 2014 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

I wish to implement my new API with a nested resource.

Example: /api/users/:user_id/posts/

Will evaluate to all of the posts for a specific user. I haven't seen an working example for this use case, maybe this isn't the right way for implementing rest API?


Ankit Popli picture Ankit Popli · Mar 3, 2015

As commented by Danilo, the @link decorator got removed in favor of @list_route and @detail_route decorators.

Update: @detail_route & @list_route got deprecated in favor of @action.

Here's the alternate solutions:

Solution 1:

def posts(self, request, pk=None):
    owner = self.get_object()
    posts = Post.objects.filter(owner=owner)

    context = {
        'request': request

    post_serializer = PostSerializer(posts, many=True, context=context)
    return Response(

Solution 2:

Try drf-nested-routers. Haven't tried this out yet, but looks promising, many are already using it. Looks like an advanced version of what we are already trying to achieve.

Hope this helps.