I'm trying to translate this bash line in python:
find /usr/share/applications/ -name "*.desktop" -exec grep -il "player" {} \; | sort | while IFS=$'\n' read APPLI ; do grep -ilqw "video" "$APPLI" && echo "$APPLI" ; done | while IFS=$'\n' read APPLI ; do grep -iql "nodisplay=true" "$APPLI" || echo "$(basename "${APPLI%.*}")" ; done
The result is to show all the videos apps installed in a Ubuntu system.
-> read all the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ directory
-> filter the strings "video" "player" to find the video applications
-> filter the string "nodisplay=true" and "audio" to not show audio players and no-gui apps
The result I would like to have is (for example):
So, I've tried this code:
import os
import fnmatch
apps = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('/usr/share/applications/'):
for dirname in dirnames:
for filename in filenames:
with open('/usr/share/applications/' + dirname + "/" + filename, "r") as auto:
a = auto.read(50000)
if "Player" in a or "Video" in a or "video" in a or "player" in a:
if "NoDisplay=true" not in a or "audio" not in a:
print "OK: ", filename
filename = filename.replace(".desktop", "")
print apps
But I've a problem with the recursive files...
How can I fix it? Thanks
Looks like you are doing os.walk()
loop incorrectly. There is no need for nested dir loop.
Please refer to Python manual for the correct example:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('python/Lib/email'):
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as auto: