Python pandas: Finding cosine similarity of two columns

hlin117 picture hlin117 · Sep 9, 2014 · Viewed 18.2k times · Source

Suppose I have two columns in a python pandas.DataFrame:

          col1 col2
item_1    158  173
item_2     25  191
item_3    180   33
item_4    152  165
item_5     96  108

What's the best way to take the cosine similarity of these two columns?


xbello picture xbello · Sep 9, 2014

Is that what you're looking for?

from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
from pandas import DataFrame

df = DataFrame({"col1": [158, 25, 180, 152, 96],
                "col2": [173, 191, 33, 165, 108]})

print(1 - cosine(df["col1"], df["col2"]))