I am writing a script in Python for login to ssh and read the output of commands just executed. I am using paramiko package for this. I am trying to execute command "top" and get its output printed on the console. However, I am not able to do this. Please find the snippet:
import sys
import time
import select
import paramiko
host = 'localhost'
i = 1
# Try to connect to the host.
# Retry a few times if it fails.
while True:
print 'Trying to connect to %s (%i/30)' % (host, i)
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(host, port=22, username='dummy', password='dummy')
print "Connected to %s" % host
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
print "Authentication failed when connecting to %s" % host
print "Could not SSH to %s, waiting for it to start" % host
i += 1
# If we could not connect within time limit
if i == 30:
print "Could not connect to %s. Giving up" % host
# Send the command (non-blocking)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("uname")
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready():
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
if stdout.channel.recv_ready():
rl, wl, xl = select.select([stdout.channel], [], [], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
# Print data from stdout
print '-------------------------------'
print stdout.channel.recv(1024)
print '-------------------------------'
# Send the command (non-blocking)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("top -n 1")
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready():
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
if stdout.channel.recv_ready():
rl, wl, xl = select.select([stdout.channel], [], [], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
# Print data from stdout
print '-------------------------------'
print stdout.channel.recv(1024)
print '-------------------------------'
# Send the command (non-blocking)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("uname")
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready():
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
if stdout.channel.recv_ready():
rl, wl, xl = select.select([stdout.channel], [], [], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
# Print data from stdout
print '-------------------------------'
print stdout.channel.recv(1024)
print '-------------------------------'
# Disconnect from the host
print "Command done, closing SSH connection"
Output: Trying to connect to localhost (1/30)
Command done, closing SSH connection
I am not sure, where I am doing wrong. I am able to get output of other linux commands though. But not sure, why top command's output is not getting printed.