I have a game state in Python with about 1000 objects (planetary systems + stars + planets), and I need to copy it and apply a bunch of transformations to it when requested. However, at about 1 request/second, this is taking up 24.63% of my runtime. How can I make it go fast? Note that copying less is not an option, since the transforms touch just about everything.
EDIT: got it down to 8% with judicious implementation of __deepcopy__
on things. Still, not good enough. (Good enough is 1% or less, I plan on throwing many more things at this.) timeit
says 41.8ms per deepcopy()
Actually, deepcopy is very slow. But we can use json, ujson, or cPickle. we can use json/cPickle to dump an object, and load it later. This is my test:
Total time: 3.46068 s
File: test_deepcopy.py
Function: test at line 15
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
15 @profile
16 def test():
17 100 957585 9575.9 27.7 b = deepcopy(a)
18 100 862 8.6 0.0 c = copy(a)
19 100 42295 422.9 1.2 d = ujson.loads(ujson.dumps(a))
20 100 85040 850.4 2.5 e = json.loads(json.dumps(a))
21 100 2323465 23234.7 67.1 f = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a, -1))
22 100 51434 514.3 1.5 g = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(a, -1))
as what we can see, json/ujson/cPickle is faster than deepcopy, but pickle...