I need to open a file, read a line, hash it, and then save to a different file. Should I open both text files at the beginning of my script, or should I open each every time I save/read? I'm new to all this and I'm using python for android for sl4a. This is my code so far:
import android
import hashlib
import time
name = 0
droid = android.Android()
name = raw_input("Enter a password to hash: ")
hash_object = hashlib.md5 (name)
print name
f = open('name.txt', 'w',)
If you want to read from the file name.txt
and write to another:
with open('name.txt', 'r') as f, open('out.txt', 'w') as f1:
line = f.next() # get first line
hash_object = hashlib.md5 (line)
f1.write(hash_object.hexdigest()) # write to second file