I was showing a grandson patterns drawn with Python's Turtle module,
and he asked to see concentric circles.
I thought it would be faster to use the turtle's circle()
to draw them
than to write my own code for generating a circle. Ha! I am stuck.
I see that the circle produced begins its circumference at the turtle's
current location and its direction of drawing depends on turtle's current
direction of motion, but I can't figure out what I need to do to get
concentric circles.
I am not at this point interested in an efficient way of producing
concentric circles: I want to see what I have to do to get
this way to work:
def turtle_pos(art,posxy,lift):
if lift:
def drawit(tshape,tcolor,pen_color,pen_thick,scolor,radius,mv):
window=turtle.Screen() #Request a screen
window.bgcolor(scolor) #Set its color
#...code that defines the turtle trl
for j in range(1,11):
You can do it like this:
import turtle
for i in range(1, 500, 50):
turtle.right(90) # Face South
turtle.forward(i) # Move one radius
turtle.right(270) # Back to start heading
turtle.pendown() # Put the pen back down
turtle.circle(i) # Draw a circle
turtle.penup() # Pen up while we go home
turtle.home() # Head back to the start pos
Which creates the picture below:
Basically it moves the turtle down one radius lenght to keep the center point for all the circles in the same spot.