How to deal with certificates using Selenium?

user3522371 picture user3522371 · Jul 1, 2014 · Viewed 103k times · Source

I am using Selenium to launch a browser. How can I deal with the webpages (URLs) that will ask the browser to accept a certificate or not?

In Firefox, I may have a website like that asks me to accept its certificate like this:


On the Internet Explorer browser, I may get something like this:

Enter image description here

On Google Chrome:

Google Chrome

I repeat my question: How can I automate the acceptance of a website's certificate when I launch a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome) with Selenium (Python programming language)?


alecxe picture alecxe · Jul 31, 2014

For the Firefox, you need to set accept_untrusted_certs FirefoxProfile() option to True:

from selenium import webdriver

profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.accept_untrusted_certs = True

driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile)


For Chrome, you need to add --ignore-certificate-errors ChromeOptions() argument:

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)


For the Internet Explorer, you need to set acceptSslCerts desired capability:

from selenium import webdriver

capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities().INTERNETEXPLORER
capabilities['acceptSslCerts'] = True

driver = webdriver.Ie(capabilities=capabilities)


Actually, according to the Desired Capabilities documentation, setting acceptSslCerts capability to True should work for all browsers since it is a generic read/write capability:



Whether the session should accept all SSL certs by default.

Working demo for Firefox:

>>> from selenium import webdriver

Setting acceptSslCerts to False:

>>> capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities().FIREFOX
>>> capabilities['acceptSslCerts'] = False
>>> driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=capabilities)
>>> driver.get('')
>>> print(driver.title)
Untrusted Connection
>>> driver.close()

Setting acceptSslCerts to True:

>>> capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities().FIREFOX
>>> capabilities['acceptSslCerts'] = True
>>> driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=capabilities)
>>> driver.get('')
>>> print(driver.title)
Welcome to
>>> driver.close()