Postgres SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected with python and psycopg

Phil Donovan picture Phil Donovan · Jun 10, 2014 · Viewed 58.4k times · Source

Using psycopg2 package with python 2.7 I keep getting the titled error: psycopg2.DatabaseError: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected

It only occurs when I add a WHERE column LIKE ''%X%'' clause to my pgrouting query. An example:

SELECT id1 as node, cost FROM PGR_Driving_Distance(
  'SELECT id, source, target, cost 
     FROM edge_table
     WHERE cost IS NOT NULL and column LIKE ''%x%'' ',
  1, 10, false, false)

Threads on the internet suggest it is an issue with SSL intuitively, but whenever I comment out the pattern matching side of things the query and connection to the database works fine.

This is on a local database running Xubuntu 13.10.

After further investigation: It looks like this may be cause by the pgrouting extension crashing the database because it is a bad query and their are not links which have this pattern.

Will post an answer soon ...


antonagestam picture antonagestam · Mar 18, 2016

I ran into this problem when running a slow query in a Droplet on a Digital Ocean instance. All other SQL would run fine and it worked on my laptop. After scaling up to a 1 GB RAM instance instead of 512 MB it works fine so it seems that this error could occur if the process is running out of memory.