How to include a local table of contents into Sphinx doc?

Edy Bourne picture Edy Bourne · Jun 9, 2014 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

How to include a local table of contents into Sphinx doc?

I tried

.. toc:: 

But that doesn't seem to have any effect: nothing is inserted in the document.

Basically I need links to the sections in the current page to be placed at a certain location of each page.

Is this possible?


morric picture morric · Jun 11, 2014

I'm not 100% sure this is what you're looking for, but the .. contents:: directive may help. By default, it'll give you the headings for the whole page, wherever you put the directive. With :local: specified, it will generate a local TOC for the headings below where you put the directive (handy for sub-section tocs).

.. contents:: Table of Contents
    :depth: 3

More details here: