Screen Capture with OpenCV and Python-2.7

Renan V. Novas picture Renan V. Novas · Jun 9, 2014 · Viewed 47.5k times · Source

I'm using Python 2.7 and OpenCV 2.4.9.

I need to capture the current frame that is being shown to the user and load it as an cv::Mat object in Python.

Do you guys know a fast way to do it recursively?

I need something like what's done in the example below, that captures Mat frames from a webcam recursively:

import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    ret, frame =
    cv2.imshow('WindowName', frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

In the example it's used the VideoCapture class to work with the captured image from the webcam.

With a new frame is always being readed and stored into a Mat object.

Could I load a "printscreens stream" into a VideoCapture object? Could I create a streaming of my computer's screen with OpenCV in Python, without having to save and delete lots of .bmp files per second?

I need this frames to be Mat objects or NumPy arrays, so I can perform some Computer Vision routines with this frames in real time.


Renan V. Novas picture Renan V. Novas · Jun 13, 2014

That's a solution code I've written using @Raoul tips.

I used PIL ImageGrab module to grab the printscreen frames.

import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageGrab
import cv2

    printscreen_pil =  ImageGrab.grab()
    printscreen_numpy =   np.array(printscreen_pil.getdata(),dtype='uint8')\
    if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):