what does the option normalize = True in Lasso sklearn do?

Donbeo picture Donbeo · Jun 7, 2014 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I have a matrix where each column has mean 0 and std 1

In [67]: x_val.std(axis=0).min()
Out[70]: 0.99999999999999922

In [71]: x_val.std(axis=0).max()
Out[71]: 1.0000000000000007

In [72]: x_val.mean(axis=0).max()
Out[72]: 1.1990408665951691e-16

In [73]: x_val.mean(axis=0).min()
Out[73]: -9.7144514654701197e-17

The number of non 0 coefficients changes if I use the normalize option

In [74]: l = Lasso(alpha=alpha_perc70).fit(x_val, y_val)

In [81]: sum(l.coef_!=0)
Out[83]: 47

In [84]: l2 = Lasso(alpha=alpha_perc70, normalize=True).fit(x_val, y_val)

In [93]: sum(l2.coef_!=0)
Out[95]: 3

It seems to me that normalize just set the variance of each columns to 1. This is strange that the results change so much. My data has already variance=1.

So what does normalize=T actually do?


eickenberg picture eickenberg · Jun 7, 2014

This is due to an (or a potential [1]) inconsistency in the concept of scaling in sklearn.linear_model.base.center_data: If normalize=True, then it will divide by the norm of each column of the design matrix, not by the standard deviation . For what it's worth, the keyword normalize=True will be deprecated from sklearn version 0.17.

Solution: Do not use standardize=True. Instead, build a sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline and prepend a sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler to your Lasso object. That way you don't even need to perform your initial scaling.

Note that the data loss term in the sklearn implementation of Lasso is scaled by n_samples. Thus the minimal penalty yielding a zero solution is alpha_max = np.abs(X.T.dot(y)).max() / n_samples (for normalize=False).

[1] I say potential inconsistency, because normalize is associated to the word norm and thus at least linguistically consistent :)

[Stop reading here if you don't want the details]

Here is some copy and pasteable code reproducing the problem

import numpy as np
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)

n_samples, n_features, n_active_vars = 20, 10, 5
X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
X = ((X - X.mean(0)) / X.std(0))

beta = rng.randn(n_features)
beta[rng.permutation(n_features)[:n_active_vars]] = 0.

y = X.dot(beta)

print X.std(0)
print X.mean(0)

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

lasso1 = Lasso(alpha=.1)
print lasso1.fit(X, y).coef_

lasso2 = Lasso(alpha=.1, normalize=True)
print lasso2.fit(X, y).coef_

In order to understand what is going on, now observe that

lasso1.fit(X / np.sqrt(n_samples), y).coef_ / np.sqrt(n_samples)

is equal to

lasso2.fit(X, y).coef_

Hence, scaling the design matrix and appropriately rescaling the coefficients by np.sqrt(n_samples) converts one model to the other. This can also be achieved by acting on the penalty: A lasso estimator with normalize=True with its penalty scaled down by np.sqrt(n_samples) acts like a lasso estimator with normalize=False (on your type of data, i.e. already standardized to std=1).

lasso3 = Lasso(alpha=.1 / np.sqrt(n_samples), normalize=True)
print lasso3.fit(X, y).coef_  # yields the same coefficients as lasso1.fit(X, y).coef_