Generate the MS word document in django

user3541454 picture user3541454 · May 23, 2014 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

Currently i am generating the reports in pdf format. But now i want to generate the reports in ms word or docx format.

my file

def export_pdf(request,id):
        report = Report.objects.get(id=id)                

        options1 = ReportPropertyOption.objects.filter(report=report,is_active=True)   
        locations = []  
        out_string = ""    
        map = None

        for option in options1:  
   = get_property_name(        
            option.exterior_images = ReportExteriorImages.objects.filter(report = option)  
            option.interior_images = ReportInteriorImages.objects.filter(report = option)
            option.floorplan_images = ReportFloorPlanImages.objects.filter(report = option)
            option.fitouts =    ReportFitOut.objects.filter(propertyoption = option)   
            if (option.gps_longitude):

        for loc in locations:

        if locations:
            map = ""+out_string+"&sensor=true"              
        #map = "\\"
        html  = render_to_string('report/export.html', { 'pagesize' : 'A4', }, context_instance=RequestContext(request,{'options1':options1,'meta':report.meta,'map':map}))

        result = StringIO.StringIO()       
        pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), dest=result, link_callback=fetch_resources )        
        #pdf = Docx(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), dest=result, link_callback=fetch_resources )
        if not pdf.err:
            return result
            return None

I am getting all the data in result and then exporting that data to pdf. But now i want to export the data to the docx or MS word format. The same result i want to export to docx format. As i am getting the data in pdf format so i dont want to convert that exported pdf to docx. I want to export directly in docx. I tried using python-docx, but not able to figure out how to export out in docx format. Can anyone guide me how to this. Which modul i should use in django. Please help me


robline picture robline · Jun 9, 2014

Here is how I generate a docx file from within a Django view:

from docx import *
from docx.shared import Inches

def TestDocument(request):

    document = Document()
    # ---- Cover Letter ----
    document.add_picture((r'%s/static/images/my-header.png' % (settings.PROJECT_PATH)), width=Inches(4))
    document.add_paragraph("%s" %'%B %d, %Y'))

    document.add_paragraph('Dear Sir or Madam:')
    document.add_paragraph('We are pleased to help you with your widgets.')
    document.add_paragraph('Please feel free to contact me for any additional information.')
    document.add_paragraph('I look forward to assisting you in this project.')

    document.add_paragraph('Best regards,')
    document.add_paragraph('Acme Specialist 1]')

    # Prepare document for download        
    # -----------------------------
    f = StringIO()
    length = f.tell()
    response = HttpResponse(
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + docx_title
    response['Content-Length'] = length
    return response