imagemagick wand save pdf pages as images

rich tier picture rich tier · May 17, 2014 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I would like to use imagemagick Wand package to convert all pages of a pdf file into a single image file. I am having the following trouble though (see comments below which highlight problem)

import tempfile
from wand.image import Image

with file('my_pdf_with_5_pages.png') as f:
    image = Image(file=f, format='png')

def save_using_filename(image):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
        # this saves all pages, but a file for each page (so 3 files)

def save_using_file(image):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
        # this only saves the first page as an image

My end goal it to be able to specify which pages are to be converted to one continual image. This is possible from the command line with a bit of

convert -append input.pdf[0-4]

but I am trying to work with python.

I see we can get slices by doing this:

[x for x in w.sequence[0:1]] # get page 1 and 2

now its a question of how to join these pages together.


Xinyi Li picture Xinyi Li · Apr 11, 2017

My solution:

from wand.image import Image


with(Image(filename=diag,resolution=200)) as source:
    for i in range(pages):

It works, and compared to other answers, it appears more flexible to some multi-page pdf files with variable size in different pages.