I am trying to get a correct way of fitting a beta distribution. It's not a real world problem i am just testing the effects of a few different methods, and in doing this something is puzzling me.
Here is the python code I am working on, in which I tested 3 different approaches: 1>: fit using moments (sample mean and variance). 2>: fit by minimizing the negative log-likelihood (by using scipy.optimize.fmin()). 3>: simply call scipy.stats.beta.fit()
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.special import gamma as gammaf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
def betaNLL(param,*args):
'''Negative log likelihood function for beta
<param>: list for parameters to be fitted.
<args>: 1-element array containing the sample data.
Return <nll>: negative log-likelihood to be minimized.
#-----Replace -inf with 0s------
return nll
#-------------------Sample data-------------------
#----------------Normalize to [0,1]----------------
#----------------Fit using moments----------------
#------------------Fit using mle------------------
#----------------Fit using beta.fit----------------
print '\n# alpha,beta from moments:',alpha1,beta1
print '# alpha,beta from mle:',alpha2,beta2
print '# alpha,beta from beta.fit:',alpha3,beta3
fitted=lambda x,a,b:gammaf(a+b)/gammaf(a)/gammaf(b)*x**(a-1)*(1-x)**(b-1) #pdf of beta
The problem I have is about the normalization process (z=(x-a)/(b-a)
) where a
and b
are the min and max of the sample, respectively.
When I don't do the normalization, everything works Ok, there are slight differences among different fitting methods, by reasonably good.
But when I did the normalization, here is the result plot I got.
Only the moment method (green line) looks Ok.
The scipy.stats.beta.fit() method (red line) is uniform always, no matter what parameters I use to generate the random numbers.
And the MLE (blue line) fails.
So it seems like the normalization is creating these issues. But I think it is legal to have x=0
and x=1
in the beta distribution. And if given a real world problem, isn't it the 1st step to normalize the sample observations to make it in between [0,1] ? In that case, how should I fit the curve?
The problem is that beta.pdf()
sometimes returns 0
and inf
for 0
and 1
. For example:
>>> from scipy.stats import beta
>>> beta.pdf(1,1.05,0.95)
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/distributions.py:1165: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
Px = (1.0-x)**(b-1.0) * x**(a-1.0)
>>> beta.pdf(0,1.05,0.95)
You're guaranteeing that you will have one data sample at 0
and 1
by your normalization process. Although you "correct" for values at which the pdf is 0
, you are not correcting for those which return inf
. To account for this you can just remove all the values which are not finite:
def betaNLL(param,*args):
Negative log likelihood function for beta
<param>: list for parameters to be fitted.
<args>: 1-element array containing the sample data.
Return <nll>: negative log-likelihood to be minimized.
a, b = param
data = args[0]
pdf = beta.pdf(data,a,b,loc=0,scale=1)
lg = np.log(pdf)
mask = np.isfinite(lg)
nll = -lg[mask].sum()
return nll
Really you shouldn't be normalizing like this though, because you are essentially throwing two data points out of the fit.