Google reverse image search using POST request

Natsukane picture Natsukane · Apr 24, 2014 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I have an app that's basically a database of images stored on my local drive. Sometimes I need to find a higher resolution version or the web source of an image, and Google's reverse image search is ideal for that.

Unfortunately, Google doesn't have an API for it, so I had to figure out a way to do it manually. Right now I'm using Selenium, but that obviously has a lot of overhead. I'd like a simple solution using urllib2 or something similar - send a POST request, get the search URL back, and then I can just pass that URL to to load it in my already opened system browser.

Here's what I'm using right now:

gotUrl = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
filePath = "/mnt/Images/test.png"

browser = webdriver.Firefox()

# Click "Search by image" icon
elem = browser.find_element_by_class_name('gsst_a')

# Switch from "Paste image URL" to "Upload an image"
browser.execute_script("google.qb.ti(true);return false")

# Set the path of the local file and submit
elem = browser.find_element_by_id("qbfile")

# Get the resulting URL and make sure it's displayed in English
    # If there are multiple image sizes, we want the URL for the "All sizes" page
    elem = browser.find_element_by_link_text("All sizes")


Uri Granta picture Uri Granta · Mar 1, 2015

This is easy to do if you're happy to install the requests module. The reverse image search workflow currently consists of a single POST request with a multipart body to an upload URL, the response to which is a redirect to the actual results page.

import requests
import webbrowser

filePath = '/mnt/Images/test.png'
searchUrl = ''
multipart = {'encoded_image': (filePath, open(filePath, 'rb')), 'image_content': ''}
response =, files=multipart, allow_redirects=False)
fetchUrl = response.headers['Location']

Of course, remember that Google may decide to change this workflow at any point!