TypeError: list indices must be integers, not list. How to fix?

Larleyt picture Larleyt · Mar 16, 2014 · Viewed 40.7k times · Source

There's the code with the TypeError in it. "list indices must be integers, not list", though they are integers. I'd appreciate you helping me figure out what's wrong. What I need is to get matrix 7x5 from source 7x5 tab with different values. The error occurs on the last line.

lines = []

with open("text.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        line = [int(x) for x in line if (x != ' ') and (x != '\n')]

What I have after reading file is list of lists with numbers called "lines". It's integers. Not strings. Like:

>> [[1, 2, 3...], [4, 5, 6...], [7, 8, 9...],[...]]

i = 1
j = 1
T = []

I made this for avoiding IndexError (list out of range) on last line (i-1 and stuff). Though, I don't think it's python-way really. I'd appreciate help with this thing too.

for i in lines:
    for j in lines:
        T[i][j] = lines[i][j] + max(T[i][j-1], T[i-1][j])

This is where error occurs. I don't get what should I fix if i, j are already int.


Martijn Pieters picture Martijn Pieters · Mar 16, 2014

i and j are not indices; they are values from the lines list. Python for loops are for-each constructs.


for i, line in enumerate(lines):
    for j, value in enumerate(line):
        T[i][j] = value + max(T[i][j - 1 % len(T[i])] + T[i - 1 % len(T)][j])

where the % len() calculations 'wrap around' to the last entry in T or T[i] when i and / or j are 0. The enumerate() function adds indices to the loop.

This does assume you already pre-built a nested list of lists structure in T.